Rikei Linkes its VR Space for Vehicle Development to NI’s monoDrive Enabling highly accurate sensor simulation in a photorealistic VR space

Rikei Corporation (Head Office: Shinjuku-ku, Tokyo; President & CEO: Satoru Isaka; hereinafter “Rikei”) is pleased to announce that development of its VR Space for Vehicle Development has enabled it to be linked to monoDrive, the highly accurate sensor simulation software from National Instruments Japan Corporation (Head Office: Minato-ku, Tokyo; Representative Director: Mandip Khorana; hereinafter “NI”).
Background to introduction
Today, the development of autonomous vehicles using simulations is accelerating around the world. Rikei provides its VR Space for Vehicle Development using Unreal Engine 4, a VR development tool from Epic Games, and has already delivered it to several companies.
While Rikei currently specializes in simulations linked to camera sensors, the actual vehicles are also equipped with many other sensors. Against this backdrop, Rikei has linked its product to the highly accurate monoDrive sensor simulation software from NI. By linking these systems, VR Space for Vehicle Development is now able to simulate LiDAR 1 as well as cameras to provide a VR environment supporting sensor fusion. 2
1 LiDAR is a method of measuring distances (ranging) by illuminating targets with lasers to understand their locations and shapes, and is used to create 2D and 3D images.
2 Sensor fusion is a technology used to acquire accurate data by combining multiple sensors to mitigate each sensor’s weaknesses.
Highly accurate sensor simulation
The simulator features the technologies necessary for building sensor simulation mechanisms and for matching (calibrating) them to actual machines, enabling the generation of high-quality, accurate simulations.
Linked to high-fidelity maps using Unreal Engine 4
The creation of maps that are close to reality is a necessity for simulators. Rikei has succeeded in creating a VR simulation of Tokyo’s Odaiba area and the Metropolitan Expressway, which is said to be most complex in existence in Japan. Further, by linking its VR space and monoDrive, it is now possible to reproduce simulation that is even more precise.
Emulation of physical properties
Physical properties can be assigned to individual objects created in VR space. In the same way that a metal detector can measure metals in the ground, users can reproduce substance properties related to the reflection and absorption of radar waves in VR space.
Real-time linkage with simulation software
The real-time link between the simulator, monoDrive and Unreal Engine 4 enables the system to be used to develop vehicles using HILS. 3 Linkage with vehicle behavior software such as CarSim makes it possible to coordinate with multiple simulation programs.
3 HILS (Hardware-in-the-Loop Simulation) is a simulator used in development that digitizes and reproduces the movements of a vehicle including the engine, suspension, and tires on a computer, instead of using the actual vehicle.
Future development
Following this achievement of linking to monoDrive, Rikei will accelerate its compatibility with other software used in vehicle development simulations.
Rikei also facilitates the combined use of hardware and VR, including the development of VR linked to devices measuring brain activity and reproducing temperature. Rikei will continue its efforts anticipating the utilization of VR for hardware even beyond human interfaces (HMI) and autonomous vehicles such as driving simulators.
About National Instruments Japan Corporation
Headquarters Address: | Nomura Real Estate Development Shiba-Daimon Bldg., 1-9-9 Shibadaimon, Minato-ku, Tokyo |
Capital: | JPY 95 mil. |
Business: | Computerization and automation of measurements, controls, and tests |
Corporate URL: | |
About Rikei
Rikei offers a wide variety of solutions centered on the world’s cutting edge technologies and advanced products in the fields of system solutions, such as entrance exam and educational affairs systems and IT infrastructure, business strategy, and information security solutions. It also provides network solutions, such as satellite communication data transfer systems, digital video transfer systems, network systems for telecommunication operators and other private companies, wireless access systems, and disaster management information systems. In addition to solutions, Rikei provides electronic components and devices, such as high frequency components, high performance adhesives for industrial use, testers for automotive audio and navigation equipment, power grid analysis systems, defense-related machinery and security systems.
Headquarters Address: | Shinjuku Nomura Building, 1-26-2 Nishi-Shinjuku, Shinjuku-ku, Tokyo 163-0535, Japan |
Capital: | 3,427 million (as of the end of March, 2020) |
President & CEO: | Satoru Isaka |
Field of Business: |
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