

  • News Release

“Disastar Prevention Event at Shinjuku Nomura Building collaborated with Nomura Real Estate Development“ Conducted Experience-Based Disaster Prevention Event Utilizing VR at Skyscraper First in Japan

Rikei Corporation (Head Office: Shinjuku-ku, Tokyo; President & CEO: Satoru Isaka; hereafter “Rikei”) held an experiential disaster prevention awareness event for residents in “Shinjuku Nomura Building” on June 23, in cooperation with Nomura Real Estate (Head Office: Shinjuku-ku, Tokyo; President & CEO: Seiichi Miyajima; hereafter “Nomura Real Estate”).

In this event, in addition to evacuation experience with VR utilized “Evacuation VR Experience “RIVR D-series”” developed by Rikei, an exhibition by panels on “National Early Warning System (“J-Alert”)” which Rikei is engaged in the development from the beginning, and demonstration of trial listening of “Siren sound of warning alarm for civil protection” were also conducted. This is the first case in Japan (*) to conduct DRR drills using VR for tenants in skyscrapers.



In “Shinjuku Nomura Building”, disaster drill for about 6,000 tenants has been conducted twice each year. The event was conducted to aim at raising awareness of disaster prevention by encouraging understanding the fear of disasters through realistic disaster experiences using VR, as well as reconfirmation of the importance of DRR drills and correct evacuation method.


Outline of Experience-based Disaster Prevention Awareness Event

  • Evacuation VR Experience “RIVR D-series”

Assuming a fire broke out in a skyscraper, using VR head-mounted display allows users to experience an evacuation from a room filled with black smoke due to a fire. With controller, users are able to freely move around the VR space on your own will. By evaluating with “Evacuation VR Experience “RIVR D-series””, it aims users to understand important factors such as whether the users evacuating in a right crouching down posture according to emergency exit signs, or evacuating covering their mouths with a towel or handkerchief, when evacuating in a smoke-filled and bad visibility situation.

  • J-ALERT (A National Early Warning System)

J-ALERT is a system that the Fire and Disaster Management Agency transmits high-priority emergency information, such as tsunami information, emergency earthquake information or even ballistic missile launch information via communication satellite. Once being transmitted such information by J-ALERT, it automatically boot disaster management administration radio, and make possible to transit high-priority emergency information wirelessly and instantly to the citizens. Since Rikei proposed the system to the Fire and Disaster Management Agency in 2003 and was adopted, it continues to be used until now.

In this event, Rikei introduced the panels showing how emergency bulletins will be delivered in case of emergency, and also provided an opportunity to experience listening “siren sound of warning about citizen protection” transmitted as warning


Future Plan

Rikei plans to develop the system so it can be utilized by companies, local governments, and schools considering DRR drills as well as other DRR event.


▲Experience of “Evacuation VR Experience “RIVR D-series”


▲Trial listening of “Siren sound of warning alarm for civil protection”

* According to Rikei investigation as of June 19, 2017

* The information described in the news release is as of the date of the announcement.


About Rikei Corporation

Established in 1957, Rikei Corporation is a solution provider for the IT and electronics industries.

Rikei offers a wide variety of solutions centered on the world’s cutting edge technologies and advanced products in the fields of system solutions, such as entrance exam and educational affairs systems and IT infrastructure, business strategy, and information security solutions. It also provides network solutions, such as satellite communication data transfer systems, digital video transfer systems, network systems for telecommunication operators and other private companies, wireless access systems, and disaster management information systems. In addition to solutions, Rikei provides electronic components and devices, such as high frequency components, high performance adhesives for industrial use, testers for automotive audio and navigation equipment, power grid analysis systems, defense-related machinery and security systems.


Headquarters Address: Shinjuku Nomura Building, 1-26-2 Nishi-Shinjuku, Shinjuku-ku, Tokyo 163-0535, Japan
Capital: 3,427 million (as of the end of March, 2017)
President & CEO: Satoru Isaka
Field of Business: Sales of the following;

  • System Solutions
  • Network Solutions
  • Electronic Components & Instruments
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