Contact for Products

Contact for Products Form

For inquiries or comments, please use the Contact Form below.
Please be sure to fill in the fields marked “required”.

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    Privacy Policy

    Rikei Corporation (hereinafter referred to as “the Company”) views personal information as important information that must be protected. As such, it has developed a compliance program to ensure that personal information is handled properly and to facility management of information security. The Company will seek to ensure that the program is understood and followed by officers and employees, so as to maintain, operate and continuously improve it.

    1. In the event of acquiring personal information, the Company will specify and publish the purposes of use and acquire it by fair and lawful means.

    2. The Company will use personal information solely for the purposes of use specified or published.

    3. The Company will not disclose or offer personal information to any third party except when such disclosure or offering is permitted by laws and ordinances.

    4. The Company will comply with laws and ordinances on the protection of personal information and with other rules.

    5. The Company will develop, implement and regularly improve a compliance program.

    6. The Company will put into place prevent measures against unauthorized access, loss, falsification, leakage and other mishandling of personal information.

    7. The Company will set up a contact that receives your requests for the disclosure, correction, deletion and suspension of use of your personal information and respond to them to a reasonable extent.