Solution List

  • Long-distance wireless access device

    RADWIN‘s “RW2000Alpha”, “RADWINJET”, and “FiberinMotion ” series are 4.9GHz outdoor long-distance wireless LANs for 1:1 and 1:N. They can connect remote areas up to 40 km apart via wireless LAN. The series can also be used while moving, and is offered as a material transmission system for broadcasting and cable TV stations, a disaster prevention information system for municipalities, and a wireless facility for transportation infrastructure.

    Siklu‘s “EtherHaul-600” and “MultiHaul” series is a high-speed wireless LAN with a maximum throughput of 1 Gbps without a license. As a trunk line for Internet services, large-capacity transmission of up to 1km is possible. In addition, the new “EtherHaul-8010 series” provide up to 5km/10Gbps transmission.