Cybertrust Japan and Rikei Collaborate to Enhance Security of the Meta Quest Series—Integration of Meta Quest for Business and Cybertrust Device ID Improves Security and Operational Efficiency—
Rikei Launches JAPAN USD Factory, a Digital Twin Asset Library Supporting NVIDIA Omniverse to Accelerate Manufacturing DX
Rikei Joins Initiatives to Develop Indonesia’s Disaster Information Processing and Transmission System, Ensuring Fast and Reliable Delivery of Warning Information
Rikei Successfully Migrates CampusMagic to Cloud for Tokyo Metropolitan University of Industrial Technology
Rikei Signs Partnership Agreement with SKYREAL (SKR Technologies) Advancing DX in the Manufacturing and Aviation Industries with XR Technology from Both Companies
Rikei Launches VOY TUNABLE VR INSERTS, a Sliding Lens Adapter for Vision Correction on Meta Quest 3
Notice of Headquarters Expansion and Relocation of Nihonbashi Sales Office
“Medi-Assi,” an Application for Preventing Medication Errors using Facial Recognition by Rikei, Now Available from TAKAZONO CO., LTD. to Care Facilities
Rikei Starts the Corporate Project with OCA Osaka College of Design and Technology, and Fukuoka College of Design and Technology Supporting the Development Using Devices from Meta Platform Inc.
Rikei Launches “Meta Quest for Business” from Meta Platforms, Inc. Efficient Remote Management of Meta Quest Device for Enterprise Use
Notice of Corporate Website Renewal
Rikei Launches Wireless-Network Building System, Effective in Disaster Emergencies Integration Rikei’s sXGP Wireless Device with “LEGASiP Mini” from Nitto Telecommunications Enables Voice Call Between Different Type of Devices including Transceivers and Smartphones